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Computing Code of Conduct Site policy All users


Please agree to the terms in the Computing Code of Conduct to proceed to eLearn.

Full policy


Computing Code of Conduct

Updated: November 2019

 Computing Guidelines

  1. Upon registration the IMM Graduate School will provide you with a secure eLearn account as well as access details for this account.
  2. It is your responsibility to keep your account secure and confidential.
  3. You are liable for any transactions relating to your account, even if your password is used by someone else fraudulently or without your permission.
  4. You are required to comply with our Computing Code of Conduct. 
  5. Your eLearn account will include access to personal information we hold about you and it will provide you with access to academic study materials and a range of other resources that will support your studies. We will also use eLearn to post messages that will be relevant to you, and may not be provided by any other media. It is your responsibility to check eLearn regularly. 
  6. You must notify the IMM Graduate School eLearn Helpdesk by phoning +27 (0)11 628 2000 or by emailing if you think that there has been any loss of security on your eLearn account. 
  7. Your eLearn account enables you to participate in online activities. These may include compulsory activities for your module. When you participate in these activities, your name, preferred email address, your IMM Graduate School Student Number and the content you contribute, will be displayed online to students and IMM Graduate School staff who have a need to see the information concerned. 
  8. By signing the Registration Form, you expressly consent to this information being processed as explained above and should any of your personal detail change you are required to email your new details to


  1. You must provide us with a valid email address, which we will use to correspond with you. You must inform the IMM Graduate School of any changes to your preferred email address by updating your personal profile on the Student Portal, eLearn and emailing update@immGraduate
  2. It is your responsibility to check your email regularly. It is also your responsibility to manage any filters on your account to ensure that emails from IMM Graduate School is sent into your ‘Inbox’ and not to a ‘junk’ email folder. You should ensure that your inbox has an adequate amount of space to receive messages from us.

Code of Conduct

  1. Our eLearn resources are provided for educational, training and research purposes. You must not use them for any business or significant personal purposes.
  2. Before you use our eLearn facilities, you will have to get authorisation by following our registration procedure. During registration, you will be given a Student number (username) and Pin (password) which you will use to access the eLearn facilities.
  3. You are responsible for all activities carried out under your username. You must not give your password to anyone else or store it on another computer system. While you are logged into our system with your own details, you should not leave your computer unless you can be sure that nobody else can use it while you are away, for example, you have a password- protected screen saver or you can lock the door behind you.
  4. No-one must jeopardise the integrity, performance or reliability of computers, networks, software and other stored information that belong to us. In this code, ‘software’ includes programs, routines, procedures and their associated documentation which can be used on a computer system, including personal computers and workstations. The integrity of our computer systems is jeopardised if you do not take enough precautions against malicious software (for example, computer virus programs). You should be aware that email attachments may carry viruses, so if you are in any doubt, you must not open the email if you do not have up-to-date anti-virus software.
  5. Just because you are able to do something does not mean that it is acceptable. Existing standards of behaviour apply to computer-based information technology just as they would apply to more traditional media. Examining all the files on your colleague’s hard disk is the same as examining their filing cabinet, and trying to find unprotected files on a multi-user system falls into a similar category. While it is possible to send offensive, obscene or abusive information on the computer, this behaviour is not acceptable.
  6. You must not interfere with, or try to interfere with, information that belongs to another user. Similarly, no user must make unauthorised copies of information belonging to another user.
  7. In exceptional circumstances, we may have to use your email, voice mail or other files to carry out our work or meet our legal obligations. Each action must be authorised by a senior IMM Graduate School officer and the user must be told. You should not assume that any online or phone conversations you have with us are private, because we record these in case there is a complaint or a legal inquiry. We will not eavesdrop or read these back unless we have a good reason.
  8. You should be aware that we record the internet services that are used on our network. In exceptional circumstances, information that is being transferred may be analysed on the authorisation of a senior officer of the IMM Graduate School.
  9. Any software or hard copy of data or information which you have not provided or generated, and which may become available by using eLearn or communications resources, must not be copied or used without our permission or the permission of the software or information provider.
  10. You must not break any copyright in documentation or software (or both). The Copyright Act 1978 gives copyright owners the right to bring civil proceedings if anyone breaks a copyright, and makes it a criminal offence to break certain copyrights.
  11. You must not use any IMM Graduate School eLearn or network resources to use or publish material that is obscene, libellous or defamatory, or breaks our code of practice concerning harassment. You are personally responsible for your contributions to any IMM Graduate School eLearn system.
  12. Software or information we have provided may only be used for educational purposes unless agreed otherwise. You agree to follow all the licensing agreements for software that we have entered into.
  13. You must not do anything that damages our reputation.
  14. You may only use approved links to other computing facilities which you are authorised to use. When using external facilities, you must also follow their rules or code of conduct.
  15. People who break this code of conduct may have to face our disciplinary or criminal procedures (or both).