Instructions for Completing and Submitting your Assignment

3. Instructions for Completing Assignments

3.5. Plagiarism Policy

  • The contents of your final assignment submissions must be completely your own work. Only when you use your own words can the marker establish whether you have understood the concepts outlined in the study notes.
  • Plagiarism is to submit someone else's writings or ideas as your own, and it is a very serious academic offence. Plagiarism involves copying another person's work in part or in its entirety. Plagiarism may also involve using excerpts from other sources, without due acknowledgment of the source. It is important that the appropriate academic quotation referencing conventions are used when quoting from sources.
  • To prevent plagiarism, the IMM Graduate School has drawn up a Plagiarism Avoidance Guideline and the IMM Graduate School’s Guideline to Harvard Referencing System, links to download these documents are available on eLearn. Familiarise yourself with their contents to ensure that you do not transgress the plagiarism rules.
  • An assignment will not be marked of no reference list is not included and will be subject to a plagiarism inquiry.