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    • Adhere to the format indicated in the Instructions for completing the assignment.
    • Save your Word document as a PDF. E.g. D12345_ABM401H. Do not scan the assignment as eLearn will reject scanned documents.
    • A cover sheet is NOT required for this assignment.
    • You must follow the 2 step process for making your submission:
      • STEP 1: Upload PDF assignment to Check My Work for Similarity (Multiple attempts permitted up to cut off date)
      • STEP 2: Upload Similarity report, generated in step 1 above, for grading to Upload Assignment Activity (ONLY 1 ATTEMPT PERMITTED). You will receive a receipt confirming submission by email. If you do not receive the receipt then you have not made the submission!
    • Any attempts after the submission deadline will carry a late submission penalty. (-5 marks)
    • Ensure you upload and submit before 23:59 on the submission deadline to avoid a late submission penalty.
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    • For more detailed instructions, click on the “Upload a completed assignment on eLearn | How to Guide |”
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