Instructions for Completing and Submitting your Assignment

Site: eLearn 2020 Semester 1
Module: Assignment Preparation
Book: Instructions for Completing and Submitting your Assignment
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Date: Friday, 20 September 2024, 4:35 AM

1. Instructions for Completing and Submitting your Assignment

Updated: January 2020                                                                                         

Click here to download full PDF.


Assignments allow students to assess their progress, while the feedback examiners provide in the marking of submissions, enables each student to ascertain where they may need to focus or spend more time on before writing their examinations. 

You must follow this updated guideline, “Instructions for Completing and Submitting your Assignment” and Technical Instructions for Completing Assignments”. 

The instructions for completing and submitting assignments and the technical instructions are available on the eLearn platform as well as in the Yearbook.

2. Important tips to remember


  • The IMM Graduate School reserves the right to alter the format of its assignment question papers at any time.
  • It is required that the assignment is typed as marks will be awarded for presentation (excluding specified modules).
  • Students should ensure that they password protect their assignment on their computer or memory stick to prevent other students from accessing and copying their work.
  • Students may work together but may not submit similar or identical assignments. Students must be able to prove that they worked independently in compiling the submission.
  • Students must keep copies of their assignments in the event that the IMM Graduate School requests this to be made available.
  • No assignment may be sent to members of faculty or any other member of staff for checking prior to the assignment submission date.
  • No extensions for assignment submission will be granted after the published due date, except in exceptional circumstances.
  • It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the IMM Graduate School has received their assignment/s on or before the specified assignment due date.
  • Students must ensure they have submitted the correct module assignment(s) for each semester, as well as ensure that the assignment question paper which they are working from is the correctly dated assignment, and not an assignment from a previous semester or Assignment 2 instead of Assignment 1 where applicable.
  • The assignment submission deadline refers to the day up to which assignments will be accepted for marking purposes. The deadline for submitting is 23:59 on the assignment due date. Late assignments will be accepted, but marks will be deducted from the maximum mark if received after 23:59 (on the submission deadline date) and up to 23:59 the following day, after which no submission will be accepted. After this deadline no assignments will be accepted.
  • Assignments where a PDF Upload is required: Note - You will upload your assignment in two steps:
  • STEP 1: Upload assignment (file saved as PDF not scanned) to Check my Work for Similarity (Turnitin) and download the similarity report
  • STEP 2: Upload similarity report for grading in Upload Assignment activity
  • NB: Your assignment will not be graded if you do not follow the 2 steps outlined here.
  • Assignments where the completion of an eLearn activity is required:
    • Click on Complete eLearn Activity (Attempt quiz)
    • Ensure you complete each question.
    • Ensure you click “Submit all and Finish” button once you are satisfied with all your answers.
    • Note: Only two (2) submission attempts are permitted. The final attempt will be graded.
  • Late submission penalties as follows:
    • Modules with 2 assignments and an examination – less 5 marks per late assignment
    • Modules with 1 assignment and an examination – less 10 marks per late assignment
    • Modules: 1 assignment/report only (no examination) – less 10 marks per late assignment
  • Faxed or emailed assignments will NOT be accepted.
  • If an assignment is submitted and the student has not registered, a marking fee per module will be charged.
  • Assignment results cannot, under any circumstances, be carried over from one semester to another.

3. Instructions for Completing Assignments


3.1. Retrieving the assignment question paper

  • You can download the assignment question paper from the IMM Graduate School eLearn platform where you will also find the due dates for each assignment specified. .

3.2. Preparing to write an assignment

  • Before starting the assignment writing process, ensure that you clearly understand the assignment questions.
  • The contents of your assignment must illustrate your knowledge and understanding of the topics that you cover in the answers.
  • You are also advised to plan the contents of your assignment in advance.


3.3. Writing the assignment

  • When drafting your assignment, please always keep in mind that the assignment is set on the level of higher education. Therefore, you should not only demonstrate an adequate understanding of theory, but also should show insight into the application of the knowledge. Normally, one mark will be allocated to a well-formulated, full statement. The correct use of subject terminology is essential.
  • Clarity of expression is important in an assignment. Write your ideas in full sentences and in a paragraph format. A sentence should ideally only include one basic statement. Examiners and markers prefer succinct sentences rather than long involved sentences. Do not write sentence fragments.
  • A paragraph should contain only one main idea that is supported by the other sentences in the paragraph.
  • The use of correct forms of spelling, punctuation, grammar and sentence structure is one factor in achieving clarity. When marking your assignment, the marker will consider these aspects of written expression in assessing the clarity of your work. You should use the spelling and grammar-checking features on the computer and always proof-read your assignment before submitting it.
  • Remember to always write in the third person. The use of first person language such as I, we, us, etc. or the use of slang, informal language, colloquialisms such as telly versus television or stats versus statistics are not acceptable practices in academic writing.
Formatting of PDF upload assignments

The IMM Graduate School requires all assignments to be formatted as follows:

  • Assignments must be typed, on plain A4 paper, unless stated otherwise.
  • The contents of the assignment must be typed using Arial font, size 12.
  • Each question, heading / section must be indicated in bold Arial font, size 12.
  • Table of contents to be included.
  • Start every question on a new page.
  • Use headings and sub-headings to give structure to your answers.
  • All headings and sub-headings must be numbered.
  • Unless otherwise specified, the text must be justified meaning text should be full flush with both margins or in other words distribute text evenly between the left- and right margin. This excludes the Reference List, which must be left aligned.
  • To achieve an uncluttered appearance and allow space for markers' comments, please leave adequate margins (about 3 cm) on either side of the text.
  • Spacing between lines should be 1.5.
  • Leave an open line between paragraphs
  • Single spacing must be used after a full stop or a colon.
  • Assignments should be typed on one side of the paper only.
  • Your assignment should be written in English (South African) or English (UK). The same should apply when using spellcheck - please use English (South Africa) or English (UK).
  • The following information must appear on the top of every assignment page:
  • IMM Graduate School student number
  • Module name
  • Page X of Y (e.g. Page 3 of 5 this numbering convention must be used for every page of your assignment including the Reference List page(s). Please note that the Reference List page(s) at the end of your assignment must be included in this numbering (in the header) as they are part of the total number of pages in your assignment. 
Word limit / Page limit if applicable
  • If specified, assignment and project word limits / page limits will be indicated on the assignment question paper or project question paper cover sheet.
  • Students are encouraged to produce a concise, well-formulated assignment, in a neat and properly structured format.
  • The word count / page count must be indicated on the front cover of the assignment or project in the space provided.
  • The examiner will not mark an assignment beyond the limit stated. 
Back up your work
  • You must keep a backup copy of your assignment as a precaution against any unforeseen mishap.
  • In exceptional cases, the IMM Graduate School may require you to submit a backup copy of an assignment. 
IMM Graduate School’s Guideline to Harvard Referencing
  • The IMM Graduate School follows a version of Harvard referencing, the “IMM Graduate School’s Guideline to Harvard Referencing” in the citation of sources in academic texts.
  • Please download the IMM Graduate School’s Guideline to Harvard Referencing and PowerPoint slides from eLearn and watch the online IMM Graduate School’s Guideline to Harvard Referencing tutorial on eLearn.
  • Proper in-text citations are necessary when completing assignments.
  • A Reference List must be included at the end of your assignment. A Reference List is a list of ONLY of those sources that you have referenced in the text of your assignment. It is not a Bibliography.
  • According to the Harvard Referencing System, a Reference List is arranged alphabetically by author or by title if there is no specific author. Internet sources must also be included and referenced. The use of academic journals and seminal works are encouraged. Refer to the Presentation Mark Rubric attached (when applicable) to individual assignments for a general guideline of the minimum number of sources in the list of references.


  • A textbook is regarded as a single source, even if there are a number of contributors.
  • Please note that the Reference List is left aligned and not fully justified.

3.4. Presentation marks

  • Refer to the Presentation Mark Rubric (when applicable) attached to assignment papers.
  • Ensure you familiarise yourself with the detailed breakdown of each section as the marker of your assignment will use this rubric when assessing your assignment presentation.

3.5. Plagiarism Policy

  • The contents of your final assignment submissions must be completely your own work. Only when you use your own words can the marker establish whether you have understood the concepts outlined in the study notes.
  • Plagiarism is to submit someone else's writings or ideas as your own, and it is a very serious academic offence. Plagiarism involves copying another person's work in part or in its entirety. Plagiarism may also involve using excerpts from other sources, without due acknowledgment of the source. It is important that the appropriate academic quotation referencing conventions are used when quoting from sources.
  • To prevent plagiarism, the IMM Graduate School has drawn up a Plagiarism Avoidance Guideline and the IMM Graduate School’s Guideline to Harvard Referencing System, links to download these documents are available on eLearn. Familiarise yourself with their contents to ensure that you do not transgress the plagiarism rules.
  • An assignment will not be marked of no reference list is not included and will be subject to a plagiarism inquiry.

3.6. Check your work (submit on eLearn to view Turnitin similarity report)

  • As part of our efforts to help you effectively write your assignment we have integrated Turnitin software with our eLearn platform and availed it to all students.
  • Turnitin encourages best practices for using and citing other people’s written material by producing a similarity report therefore alerting you to the need for improving your referencing and citing skills as well as reducing the risk of being penalised for such.
  • See How to Guide: Submit assignments online (eLearn) for detailed instructions on how to check your work.


  • Submitting your work on eLearn will also run it through Turnitin software therefore producing a similarity report.
  • Students on modules required to submit their work on eLearn please note by submitting you are also checking your work.

4. Instructions for Submitting Assignments


  • You are required to submit two assignments per module except for:
  • ABMC401P and AGMD401P where you are required to submit one assignment which constitutes 40% of the final assessment mark
  • AL, AL101C, BP304B, BRP302B, MRP302B, WIL301D, ETS301D, AMP401P, AMAR401H, AML401P, AMM401P and AMRR402H.
  • NOTE: AMP401P has a non-compulsory submission in week 10.
  • NOTE: AMRR402H has a non-compulsory submission in week 6.
  • The IMM Graduate School does not follow up on assignments that are not received. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the assignment reaches the IMM Graduate School before the specified submission date. If you are unable to complete the assignment by the due date, you should submit whatever work you have completed.
  • No assignments may be sent to staff members including members of faculty, markers or lecturers/ tutors either prior to submission for checking or to submit on your behalf. 

5. Submissions of assignments. Important tips to remember


  • The IMM Graduate School reserves the right to alter the format of its assignment question papers at any time.
  • It is required that the assignment is typed as marks will be awarded for presentation (excluding specified modules).
  • Students should ensure that they password protect their assignment on their computer or memory stick to prevent other students from accessing and copying their work.
  • Students may work together but may not submit similar or identical assignments. Students must be able to prove that they worked independently in compiling the submission.
  • Students must keep copies of their assignments in the event that the IMM Graduate School requests this to be made available.
  • No assignment may be sent to members of faculty or any other member of staff for checking prior to the assignment submission date.
  • No extensions for assignment submission will be granted after the published due date, except in exceptional circumstances.
  • It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the IMM Graduate School has received their assignment/s on or before the specified assignment due date.
  • Students must ensure they have submitted the correct module assignment(s) for each semester, as well as ensure that the assignment question paper which they are working from is the correctly dated assignment, and not an assignment from a previous semester or Assignment 2 instead of Assignment 1 where applicable.
  • The assignment submission deadline refers to the day up to which assignments will be accepted for marking purposes. The deadline for submitting is 23:59 on the assignment due date. Late assignments will be accepted, but marks will be deducted from the maximum mark if received after 23:59 (on the submission deadline date) and up to 23:59 the following day, after which no submission will be accepted. After this deadline no assignments will be accepted.
  • Assignments where a PDF Upload is required: Note - You will upload your assignment in two steps:
    • STEP 1: Upload assignment (file saved as PDF not scanned) to Check my Work for Similarity (Turnitin) and download the similarity report
    • STEP 2: Upload similarity report for grading in Upload Assignment activity
    • NB: Your assignment will not be graded if you do not follow the 2 steps outlined here.
  • Assignments where the completion of an eLearn activity is required:
    • Click on Complete eLearn Activity (Attempt quiz)
    • Ensure you complete each question.
    • Ensure you click “Submit all and Finish” button once you are satisfied with all your answers.
    • Note: Only two (2) submission attempts are permitted. The final attempt will be graded.
  • Late submission penalties as follows:
    • Modules with 2 assignments and an examination – less 5 marks per late assignment
    • Modules with 1 assignment and an examination – less 10 marks per late assignment
    • Modules: 1 assignment/report only (no examination) – less 10 marks per late assignment
  • Faxed or emailed assignments will NOT be accepted.
  • If an assignment is submitted and the student has not registered, a marking fee per module will be charged.
  • Assignment results cannot, under any circumstances, be carried over from one semester to another.


6. Instructions for Completing Assignments


6.1. Retrieving the assignment question paper

  • You can download the assignment question paper from the IMM Graduate School eLearn platform where you will also find the due dates for each assignment specified. .

6.2. Preparing to write an assignment

  • Before starting the assignment writing process, ensure that you clearly understand the assignment questions.
  • The contents of your assignment must illustrate your knowledge and understanding of the topics that you cover in the answers.
  • You are also advised to plan the contents of your assignment in advance.


6.3. Writing the assignment

  • When drafting your assignment, please always keep in mind that the assignment is set on the level of higher education. Therefore, you should not only demonstrate an adequate understanding of theory, but also should show insight into the application of the knowledge. Normally, one mark will be allocated to a well-formulated, full statement. The correct use of subject terminology is essential.

  • Clarity of expression is important in an assignment. Write your ideas in full sentences and in a paragraph format. A sentence should ideally only include one basic statement. Examiners and markers prefer succinct sentences rather than long involved sentences. Do not write sentence fragments.

  • A paragraph should contain only one main idea that is supported by the other sentences in the paragraph.

  • The use of correct forms of spelling, punctuation, grammar and sentence structure is one factor in achieving clarity. When marking your assignment, the marker will consider these aspects of written expression in assessing the clarity of your work. You should use the spelling and grammar-checking features on the computer and always proof-read your assignment before submitting it.

  • Remember to always write in the third person. The use of first person language such as I, we, us, etc. or the use of slang, informal language, colloquialisms such as telly versus television or stats versus statistics are not acceptable practices in academic writing.

Formatting of PDF upload assignments

The IMM Graduate School requires all assignments to be formatted as follows:

  • Assignments must be typed, on plain A4 paper, unless stated otherwise.

  • The contents of the assignment must be typed using Arial font, size 12.

  • Each question, heading / section must be indicated in bold Arial font, size 12.

  • Table of contents to be included.

  • Start every question on a new page.

  • Use headings and sub-headings to give structure to your answers.

  • All headings and sub-headings must be numbered.

  • Unless otherwise specified, the text must be justified meaning text should be full flush with both margins or in other words distribute text evenly between the left- and right margin. This excludes the Reference List, which must be left aligned.

  • To achieve an uncluttered appearance and allow space for markers' comments, please leave adequate margins (about 3 cm) on either side of the text.

  • Spacing between lines should be 1.5.

  • Leave an open line between paragraphs

  • Single spacing must be used after a full stop or a colon.

  • Assignments should be typed on one side of the paper only.

  • Your assignment should be written in English (South African) or English (UK). The same should apply when using spellcheck - please use English (South Africa) or English (UK).

  • The following information must appear on the top of every assignment page:

  • IMM Graduate School student number

  • Module name

  • Page X of Y (e.g. Page 3 of 5 this numbering convention must be used for every page of your assignment including the Reference List page(s). Please note that the Reference List page(s) at the end of your assignment must be included in this numbering (in the header) as they are part of the total number of pages in your assignment. 

Word limit / Page limit if applicable

  • If specified, assignment and project word limits / page limits will be indicated on the assignment question paper or project question paper cover sheet.

  • Students are encouraged to produce a concise, well-formulated assignment, in a neat and properly structured format.

  • The word count / page count must be indicated on the front cover of the assignment or project in the space provided.

  • The examiner will not mark an assignment beyond the limit stated.

 Back up your work

  • You must keep a backup copy of your assignment as a precaution against any unforeseen mishap.

  • In exceptional cases, the IMM Graduate School may require you to submit a backup copy of an assignment. 

IMM Graduate School’s Guideline to Harvard Referencing

  • The IMM Graduate School follows a version of Harvard referencing, the “IMM Graduate School’s Guideline to Harvard Referencing” in the citation of sources in academic texts.

  • Please download the IMM Graduate School’s Guideline to Harvard ReferencingfromeLearn and watch the online IMM Graduate School’s Guideline to Harvard Referencing tutorial on eLearn.

  • Proper in-text citations are necessary when completing assignments.

  • A Reference List must be included at the end of your assignment. A Reference List is a list of ONLY of those sources that you have referenced in the text of your assignment. It is not a Bibliography.

  • According to the Harvard Referencing System, a Reference List is arranged alphabetically by author or by title if there is no specific author. Internet sources must also be included and referenced. The use of academic journals and seminal works are encouraged. Refer to the Presentation Mark Rubric attached (when applicable) to individual assignments for a general guideline of the minimum number of sources in the list of references.


    • A textbook is regarded as a single source, even if there are a number of contributors.

    • Please note that the Reference List is left aligned and not fully justified.

6.4. Presentation marks

  • Refer to the Presentation Mark Rubric (when applicable) attached to assignment papers.
  • Ensure you familiarise yourself with the detailed breakdown of each section as the marker of your assignment will use this rubric when assessing your assignment presentation.

6.5. Plagiarism Policy

  • The contents of your final assignment submissions must be completely your own work. Only when you use your own words can the marker establish whether you have understood the concepts outlined in the study notes.
  • Plagiarism is to submit someone else's writings or ideas as your own, and it is a very serious academic offence. Plagiarism involves copying another person's work in part or in its entirety. Plagiarism may also involve using excerpts from other sources, without due acknowledgment of the source. It is important that the appropriate academic quotation referencing conventions are used when quoting from sources.
  • To prevent plagiarism, the IMM Graduate School has drawn up a Plagiarism Avoidance Guideline and the IMM Graduate School’s Guideline to Harvard Referencing System, links to download these document are available on eLearn. Familiarise yourself with their contents to ensure that you do not transgress the plagiarism rules.
  • An assignment will not be marked of no reference list is not included and will be subject to a plagiarism inquiry.

6.6. Check your work (submit on eLearn to view Turnitin similarity report)

  • As part of our efforts to help you effectively write your assignment we have integrated Turnitin software with our eLearn platform and availed it to all students.
  • Turnitin encourages best practices for using and citing other people’s written material by producing a similarity report therefore alerting you to the need for improving your referencing and citing skills as well as reducing the risk of being penalised for such.
  • See How to Guide: Submit assignments online (eLearn) for detailed instructions on how to check your work.


  • NOTE:
  • Submitting your work on eLearn will also run it through Turnitin software therefore producing a similarity report.
  • Students on modules required to submit their work on eLearn please note by submitting you are also checking your work.

7. Instructions for Submitting Assignments


  • You are required to submit two assignments per module except for:
  • ABMC401P and AGMD401P where you are required to submit one assignment which constitutes 40% of the final assessment mark
  • AL, AL101C, BP304B, BRP302B, MRP302B, WIL301D, ETS301D, AMP401P, AMAR401H, AML401P, AMM401P and AMRR402H.
  • NOTE: AMP401P has a non-compulsory submission in week 10.
  • NOTE: AMRR402H has a non-compulsory submission in week 6.
  • The IMM Graduate School does not follow up on assignments that are not received. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the assignment reaches the IMM Graduate School before the specified submission date. If you are unable to complete the assignment by the due date, you should submit whatever work you have completed.
  • No assignments may be sent to staff members including members of faculty, markers or lecturers/ tutors either prior to submission for checking or to submit on your behalf.

7.1. Submissions of assignments

8. Important tips to remember


The IMM Graduate School reserves the right to alter the format of its assignment question papers at any time.

It is required that the assignment is typed as marks will be awarded for presentation (excluding specified modules).

Students should ensure that they password protect their assignment on their computer or memory stick to prevent other students from accessing and copying their work.

Students may work together but may not submit similar or identical assignments. Students must be able to prove that they worked independently in compiling the submission.

Students must keep copies of their assignments in the event that the IMM Graduate School requests this to be made available.

No assignment may be sent to members of faculty or any other member of staff for checking prior to the assignment submission date.

No extensions for assignment submission will be granted after the published due date, except in exceptional circumstances.

It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the IMM Graduate School has received their assignment/s on or before the specified assignment due date.

Students must ensure they have submitted the correct module assignment(s) for each semester, as well as ensure that the assignment question paper which they are working from is the correctly dated assignment, and not an assignment from a previous semester or Assignment 2 instead of Assignment 1 where applicable.

The assignment submission deadline refers to the day up to which assignments will be accepted for marking purposes. The deadline for submitting is 23:59 on the assignment due date. Late assignments will be accepted, but marks will be deducted from the maximum mark if received after 23:59 (on the submission deadline date) and up to 23:59 the following day, after which no submission will be accepted. After this deadline no assignments will be accepted.

Assignments where a PDF Upload is required: Note - You will upload your assignment in two steps:

STEP 1: Upload assignment (file saved as PDF not scanned) to Check my Work for Similarity (Turnitin) and download the similarity report

STEP 2: Upload similarity report for grading in Upload Assignment activity

NB: Your assignment will not be graded if you do not follow the 2 steps outlined here.

Assignments where the completion of an eLearn activity is required:

Click on Complete eLearn Activity (Attempt quiz)

Ensure you complete each question.

Ensure you click “Submit all and Finish” button once you are satisfied with all your answers.

Note: Only two (2) submission attempts are permitted. The final attempt will be graded.

Late submission penalties as follows:

Modules with 2 assignments and an examination – less 5 marks per late assignment

Modules with 1 assignment and an examination – less 10 marks per late assignment

Modules: 1 assignment/report only (no examination) – less 10 marks per late assignment

Faxed or emailed assignments will NOT be accepted.

If an assignment is submitted and the student has not registered, a marking fee per module will be charged.

Assignment results cannot, under any circumstances, be carried over from one semester to another.



9. Instructions for Completing Assignments


9.1. Retrieving the assignment question paper

  • You can download the assignment question paper from the IMM Graduate School eLearn platform where you will also find the due dates for each assignment specified. .

9.2. Preparing to write an assignment

  • Before starting the assignment writing process, ensure that you clearly understand the assignment questions.
  • The contents of your assignment must illustrate your knowledge and understanding of the topics that you cover in the answers.
  • You are also advised to plan the contents of your assignment in advance.


9.3. Writing the assignment

  • When drafting your assignment, please always keep in mind that the assignment is set on the level of higher education. Therefore, you should not only demonstrate an adequate understanding of theory, but also should show insight into the application of the knowledge. Normally, one mark will be allocated to a well-formulated, full statement. The correct use of subject terminology is essential.
  • Clarity of expression is important in an assignment. Write your ideas in full sentences and in a paragraph format. A sentence should ideally only include one basic statement. Examiners and markers prefer succinct sentences rather than long involved sentences. Do not write sentence fragments.
  • A paragraph should contain only one main idea that is supported by the other sentences in the paragraph.
  • The use of correct forms of spelling, punctuation, grammar and sentence structure is one factor in achieving clarity. When marking your assignment, the marker will consider these aspects of written expression in assessing the clarity of your work. You should use the spelling and grammar-checking features on the computer and always proof-read your assignment before submitting it.
  • Remember to always write in the third person. The use of first person language such as I, we, us, etc. or the use of slang, informal language, colloquialisms such as telly versus television or stats versus statistics are not acceptable practices in academic writing.
Formatting of PDF upload assignments

The IMM Graduate School requires all assignments to be formatted as follows:

  • Assignments must be typed, on plain A4 paper, unless stated otherwise.
  • The contents of the assignment must be typed using Arial font, size 12.
  • Each question, heading / section must be indicated in bold Arial font, size 12.
  • Table of contents to be included.
  • Start every question on a new page.
  • Use headings and sub-headings to give structure to your answers.
  • All headings and sub-headings must be numbered.
  • Unless otherwise specified, the text must be justified meaning text should be full flush with both margins or in other words distribute text evenly between the left- and right margin. This excludes the Reference List, which must be left aligned.
  • To achieve an uncluttered appearance and allow space for markers' comments, please leave adequate margins (about 3 cm) on either side of the text.
  • Spacing between lines should be 1.5.
  • Leave an open line between paragraphs
  • Single spacing must be used after a full stop or a colon.
  • Assignments should be typed on one side of the paper only.
  • Your assignment should be written in English (South African) or English (UK). The same should apply when using spellcheck - please use English (South Africa) or English (UK).
  • The following information must appear on the top of every assignment page:
  • IMM Graduate School student number
  • Module name
  • Page X of Y (e.g. Page 3 of 5 this numbering convention must be used for every page of your assignment including the Reference List page(s). Please note that the Reference List page(s) at the end of your assignment must be included in this numbering (in the header) as they are part of the total number of pages in your assignment.


Word limit / Page limit if applicable
  • If specified, assignment and project word limits / page limits will be indicated on the assignment question paper or project question paper cover sheet.
  • Students are encouraged to produce a concise, well-formulated assignment, in a neat and properly structured format.
  • The word count / page count must be indicated on the front cover of the assignment or project in the space provided.
  • The examiner will not mark an assignment beyond the limit stated.


Back up your work
  • You must keep a backup copy of your assignment as a precaution against any unforeseen mishap.
  • In exceptional cases, the IMM Graduate School may require you to submit a backup copy of an assignment.
IMM Graduate School’s Guideline to Harvard Referencing
  • The IMM Graduate School follows a version of Harvard referencing, the “IMM Graduate School’s Guideline to Harvard Referencing” in the citation of sources in academic texts.
  • Please download the IMM Graduate School’s Guideline to Harvard Referencing and PowerPoint slides from eLearn and watch the online IMM Graduate School’s Guideline to Harvard Referencing tutorial on eLearn.
  • Proper in-text citations are necessary when completing assignments.
  • A Reference List must be included at the end of your assignment. A Reference List is a list of ONLY of those sources that you have referenced in the text of your assignment. It is not a Bibliography.
  • According to the Harvard Referencing System, a Reference List is arranged alphabetically by author or by title if there is no specific author. Internet sources must also be included and referenced. The use of academic journals and seminal works are encouraged. Refer to the Presentation Mark Rubric attached (when applicable) to individual assignments for a general guideline of the minimum number of sources in the list of references.
  • NOTE:
  • A textbook is regarded as a single source, even if there are a number of contributors.
  • Please note that the Reference List is left aligned and not fully justified.

9.4. Presentation marks

  • Refer to the Presentation Mark Rubric (when applicable) attached to assignment papers.
  • Ensure you familiarise yourself with the detailed breakdown of each section as the marker of your assignment will use this rubric when assessing your assignment presentation.

9.5. Plagiarism Policy

  • The contents of your final assignment submissions must be completely your own work. Only when you use your own words can the marker establish whether you have understood the concepts outlined in the study notes.
  • Plagiarism is to submit someone else's writings or ideas as your own, and it is a very serious academic offence. Plagiarism involves copying another person's work in part or in its entirety. Plagiarism may also involve using excerpts from other sources, without due acknowledgment of the source. It is important that the appropriate academic quotation referencing conventions are used when quoting from sources.
  • To prevent plagiarism, the IMM Graduate School has drawn up a Plagiarism Avoidance Guideline and the IMM Graduate School’s Guideline to Harvard Referencing System, links to download these document are available on eLearn. Familiarise yourself with their contents to ensure that you do not transgress the plagiarism rules.
  • An assignment will not be marked of no reference list is not included and will be subject to a plagiarism inquiry.

9.6. Check your work (submit on eLearn to view Turnitin similarity report)

  • As part of our efforts to help you effectively write your assignment we have integrated Turnitin software with our eLearn platform and availed it to all students.
  • Turnitin encourages best practices for using and citing other people’s written material by producing a similarity report therefore alerting you to the need for improving your referencing and citing skills as well as reducing the risk of being penalised for such.
  • See How to Guide: Submit assignments online (eLearn) for detailed instructions on how to check your work.


  • NOTE:
  • Submitting your work on eLearn will also run it through Turnitin software therefore producing a similarity report.
  • Students on modules required to submit their work on eLearn please note by submitting you are also checking your work.

10. Instructions for Submitting Assignments


  • You are required to submit two assignments per module except for:
  • ABMC401P and AGMD401P where you are required to submit one assignment which constitutes 40% of the final assessment mark
  • AL, AL101C, BP304B, BRP302B, MRP302B, WIL301D, ETS301D, AMP401P, AMAR401H, AML401P, AMM401P and AMRR402H.
  • NOTE: AMP401P has a non-compulsory submission in week 10.
  • NOTE: AMRR402H has a non-compulsory submission in week 6.
  • The IMM Graduate School does not follow up on assignments that are not received. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the assignment reaches the IMM Graduate School before the specified submission date. If you are unable to complete the assignment by the due date, you should submit whatever work you have completed.
  • No assignments may be sent to staff members including members of faculty, markers or lecturers/ tutors either prior to submission for checking or to submit on your behalf.

10.1. Submissions of assignments