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5. Submissions of assignments. Important tips to remember


  • The IMM Graduate School reserves the right to alter the format of its assignment question papers at any time.
  • It is required that the assignment is typed as marks will be awarded for presentation (excluding specified modules).
  • Students should ensure that they password protect their assignment on their computer or memory stick to prevent other students from accessing and copying their work.
  • Students may work together but may not submit similar or identical assignments. Students must be able to prove that they worked independently in compiling the submission.
  • Students must keep copies of their assignments in the event that the IMM Graduate School requests this to be made available.
  • No assignment may be sent to members of faculty or any other member of staff for checking prior to the assignment submission date.
  • No extensions for assignment submission will be granted after the published due date, except in exceptional circumstances.
  • It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the IMM Graduate School has received their assignment/s on or before the specified assignment due date.
  • Students must ensure they have submitted the correct module assignment(s) for each semester, as well as ensure that the assignment question paper which they are working from is the correctly dated assignment, and not an assignment from a previous semester or Assignment 2 instead of Assignment 1 where applicable.
  • The assignment submission deadline refers to the day up to which assignments will be accepted for marking purposes. The deadline for submitting is 23:59 on the assignment due date. Late assignments will be accepted, but marks will be deducted from the maximum mark if received after 23:59 (on the submission deadline date) and up to 23:59 the following day, after which no submission will be accepted. After this deadline no assignments will be accepted.
  • Assignments where a PDF Upload is required: Note - You will upload your assignment in two steps:
    • STEP 1: Upload assignment (file saved as PDF not scanned) to Check my Work for Similarity (Turnitin) and download the similarity report
    • STEP 2: Upload similarity report for grading in Upload Assignment activity
    • NB: Your assignment will not be graded if you do not follow the 2 steps outlined here.
  • Assignments where the completion of an eLearn activity is required:
    • Click on Complete eLearn Activity (Attempt quiz)
    • Ensure you complete each question.
    • Ensure you click “Submit all and Finish” button once you are satisfied with all your answers.
    • Note: Only two (2) submission attempts are permitted. The final attempt will be graded.
  • Late submission penalties as follows:
    • Modules with 2 assignments and an examination – less 5 marks per late assignment
    • Modules with 1 assignment and an examination – less 10 marks per late assignment
    • Modules: 1 assignment/report only (no examination) – less 10 marks per late assignment
  • Faxed or emailed assignments will NOT be accepted.
  • If an assignment is submitted and the student has not registered, a marking fee per module will be charged.
  • Assignment results cannot, under any circumstances, be carried over from one semester to another.