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This book explains how to approach and answer case studies.

3. How to approach a case study

3.12. Write it up

Different lecturers will have different expectations about what they want from you in a written case solution. They will probably not provide you with specific, detailed instructions regarding their expectations, but they will certainly tell you if you have missed the boat or have produced a solid response. Some will ask for wide-ranging responses that cover many issues, while others will expect a more focused response. Just provide your lecturer with your best thinking and be as detailed as you think you can within the page limits you have been given. The report should at least have the following sections and in this order:


  1. Title page
  2. Table of contents
  3. Executive summary
  4. Problem (issue) statement
  5. Data analysis
  6. Key decision criteria
  7. Alternatives analysis
  8. Recommendations
  9. Action and implementation plan
  10. Exhibits

Notes on written reports:

Always remember that you will be judged by the quality of your work, which includes your written work such as case study reports. Sloppy, disorganised, poor quality work will say more about you than you probably want said! To ensure the quality of your written work, keep the following in mind when writing your report:

  • Ø Proofread your work! Not just on the screen while you write it, but the hard copy after it is printed. Fix the errors before submitting.
  • Ø Use spell checker to eliminate spelling errors.
  • Ø Use grammar checking to avoid common grammatical errors such as run on sentences.
  • Ø Note that restating of case facts is not included in the format of the case report, nor is it considered part of analysis. Anyone reading your report will be familiar with the case, and you need only to mention facts that are relevant to (and support) your analysis or recommendation as you need them.
  • If you are going to include exhibits (particularly numbers) in your report, you will need to refer to them within the body of your report, not just tack them on at the end! This reference should be in the form of supporting conclusions that you are making in your analysis. The reader should not have to guess why particular exhibits have been included, nor what they mean. If you do not plan to refer to them, then leave them out.
  • Ø Write in a formal manner suitable for scholarly work, rather than a letter to a friend.
  • Ø Common sense and logical thinking can do wonders for your evaluation!
  • Ø You should expect that the printer would not be functioning in the twelve hours prior to your deadline for submission. Plan for it!


Proofread your work! This cannot be stressed enough. If you do not feel that you are a good proofreader, have someone else read it through. Often we are too close to a report and do not see simple spelling errors. Or put it aside and go back a day later – this can make all the grammatical mistakes more obvious. Fresh eyes may see more mistakes than tired ones!!